Cow Milk Cheeses

Bleu de la chataigneraie

Bleu de la Chataigneraie is a raw cow’s milk cheese with blue veins, made by Edwige and Nicolas from GAEC Cantournet-Bertrand located in Prunet in the Cantal department in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.
Its thin rind, ivory to light brown in color, is covered with a fine white to gray down.
Its ivory to cream-colored paste is soft and melting and has a fairly pronounced blue-gray veining.
On the nose, Bleu de la Chataigneraie gives off a scent of straw, mushroom and milk.
On the palate, it is a deliciously creamy cheese with a pleasant balanced scent of butter and blue cheese. Its good blue cheese flavor will delight your taste buds


Brie de Meaux

This AOP cheese made from raw cow’s milk was created by monks from the Brie Valley. Already present at Charlemagne’s table, it was consecrated king of cheeses at the Congress of Vienna in 1815.

Our Brie de Meaux matured by the Dongé cheese dairy is present on the tables of many starred restaurants.
Matured for up to 8 weeks, it reveals aromas of underwood.
On the palate, it is creamy with hazelnut flavors.

Brie à la truffe noire

Truffle Brie is an exceptional artisanal preparation that will delight you with its softness and creaminess. It is obtained from a Brie de Meaux AOP split in two then topped with a preparation based on black Melanosporum truffles (3%), mascarpone and the creamy part of the Brie, then closed so that the aromas of the truffle slowly diffuse into the dough. The powerful taste of the Brie will then blend with the full-bodied aromas of the black truffle for a refined and perfectly balanced marriage.

Brillat Savarin

Brillat-Savarin is a cheese created by the Dubuc family in 1890, in Seine-Maritime, under the name Excelsior or “Délice des gourmets”. It was then renamed by Henri Androuët, around 1930, in honor of the famous French gastronome Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Our Brillat Savarin is made from raw cow’s milk enriched with cream

Brillat Truffé : Le Pierre Robert

Brillat Savarin type production. Its triple-cream white paste marries wonderfully with the pronounced aromas of truffle which give it a unique character. In the soft and creamy category, you will not find anything better

Camembert de Normandie

The most famous cheese owes its diffusion to the small wooden box that allowed it to travel more easily.
Our Camembert de Normandie made from raw milk AOP follows a traditional production process with manual ladle molding and maturing for more than 3 weeks.

Comté fruité 10/14 months

Matured in the cellars of a former military fort, our comté is subject to a selection process that allows us to offer qualities of finesse, subtlety and intensity that will develop over the maturing period.

Comté 24 months symphonie

It takes no less than 24 months of maturing to obtain this sumptuous Comté. A pure marvel. Old Comté from Marcel Petite. Maturated at Fort St Antoine in Haut Doubs. More than 24 months of maturing. The salty spots and its crumbly texture delight the palate for an aperitif or a cheese platter for cheese lovers.

Galet Boisé

The Galet boisé is a small pressed cheese with a rind washed with walnut liqueur, which gives it its very particular aromas. The rind has a brown color reminiscent of “walnut husk”. Its taste is particularly fine and at the same time powerful.


The fruit of an ancient tradition, it is a soft and creamy Italian blue cheese, with a veined texture, and a delicate hazelnut aroma.The fruit of an ancient tradition, it is a soft and creamy Italian blue cheese, with a veined texture, and a delicate hazelnut aroma.

Gouda with truffles

Dutch cheese made from raw cow’s milk, it offers a young and supple paste pleasantly perfumed from cream to yellow color. The paste is sprinkled with many truffle fragments.
Very tasty with intense aromas of black truffle, it will be irresistible and can be eaten as an aperitif or even added to cooked dishes. It will make you discover surprising associations.

Mimolette 24 months

Our authentic raw milk farmhouse mimolette is made on one of the last farms producing this traditional Dutch uncooked pressed cheese.

Moelleux du Revard

Made from raw milk on the slopes of Revard above Aix-Les-Bains, Moelleux du Revard is a local cheese with a distinctive taste and a melting texture.

Its beautiful orange rind and its wide spruce strap hide a creamy paste with subtle and slightly woody aromas.

Mont d'Or

The traditional winter cheese sold only from September 10th to May 10th.

The scent of Mont d’Or is dominated by the spruce that makes up its strap. Its woody taste and creamy flavor will enchant you.


Our farmhouse Morbier has a maturing period of at least 45 days.

Your taste buds will appreciate its roasted, spicy, vegetal aromas, with more pronounced flavors than classic cheese productions.

Parmigiano Reggiano 24 months

The most famous Italian cheese, matured for 24 months

Maroilles fermier

Only about ten farm producers still make this cheese in the traditional way with raw milk. (93% of production is industrial).

Maroilles has a characteristic smell and a strong flavor, but still less full-bodied than its smell.

Reblochon fermier

Our farmhouse reblochon is refined by the master refiner Paccard.
Its creamy paste is soft and smooth, white to ivory in color and has a few small openings.
The flavors of our farmhouse reblochon will be more pronounced and will deserve to be taken out of its traditional tartiflette to make a good cheese platter

Saint Nectaire fermier

This AOP cheese made from raw cow’s milk is a classic of French gastronomy.

It is made from the milk of cows that feed on the rich and fragrant grass of the volcanic plateaus of Auvergne.

Tomme aux fleurs

Cheese coated with edible wild flowers: mallow, cornflower, marigold, strawberry, rose, hay, dandelion… Its taste is sweet, with flavors of hazelnuts and flowers. The aromas of the petals diffuse into the paste, giving this cheese unique flavors.

Tomme fermière de haute savoie

Tomme de Savoie is a raw cow’s milk cheese, both rustic and warm, which exudes sweet and fruity aromas.
Under its well-flowered rind, we discover a perforated and slightly rubbery paste, a true color chart of aromas: the younger the tomme, the sweeter its taste, the more it is matured, the more its taste is typical, powerful, rustic.

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